

Donate Today

Lets join hands in transforming lives...

Your support today makes it possible for us to create lasting, positive change in the lives of
children in need. When you make a sacrifice to save the thousands of needy children
in this part of the world, even if it is less than $1 a day, you will help us ensure
that we'll be here to carry out our mission for years to come

How is your money spent?

In Kenya, in 2015 we plan to expand our extra curricula work by providing a more structured holiday learning support, such as drama, dance and sports activities, which add value to existing government education provision. We will establish vibrant boys’ clubs in 5 primary schools and complete our new resource centre at Rakwaro Chief's camp.

What your support does ...

The TMT Kenya model farm now provides training to local smallholders, trials new ideas and technologies, offers practical work experience opportunities to young people and produces it’s own income from the sale of cash crops, poultry and tilapia fish. The farm’s four model fishponds provide aquaculture training to support our ‘Kobala Aquaculture Project’, which is providing new livelihoods opportunities for unemployed fishermen. Our mango tree-grafting scheme is upgrading local drought resistant varieties and improved varieties of cassava are benefiting local farmers.

This year we also started producing the food supplement, Spirulina, a blue-green algae widely produced and commercialised as a dietary supplement for modulating immune function. The farm now provides Spirulina to under-nourished children and people living with HIV. With a tested local market, strong community linkages and a range of beneficiary-led projects to invest in, TMT Kenya is now ready to launch their model farm as a larger scale social enterprise project, for which we start developing a business plan and fundraising in 2015. 




You can donate to us via MPESA using the paybill number provided above
